15th November 2004
The British Polling Council (BPC) is officially launched on Monday 15th November.
Following the publication of any poll, BPC members have agreed to fully disclose all relevant data about their polls. Members will publish details of the questions that have been asked, describe fully the way the data has been analysed and give full access to all relevant computer tables. By fully disclosing all relevant data members of the BPC aim to encourage the highest standards in public opinion polling.
The Founder members of BPC are Comres, ICM, Ipsos MORI, NOP, ORB, TNS/System 3 and YouGov.
Since the formation of the new council was first announced three other companies have applied to join and the BPC will welcome new members committed to full disclosure of public opinion research.
Further information can be obtained from the Secretary, Nick Sparrow at ICM Research, or by exploring www.britishpollingcouncil.org