Management Committee
Professor Jane Green — President
University of Oxford
Jane Green is Professor of Political Science and British Politics in the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford, and a Professorial Fellow of Nuffield College, where she is the Director of the Nuffield Politics Research Centre

Nick Moon — Secretary
Telephone: 07770-564 664
Nick Moon is Managing Director of Moonlight Research

Simon Atkinson — Committee Member
Telephone: 07791-680 770
Simon Atkinson is Chief Knowledge Officer, Ipsos

Please contact a member of the Management Committee if you have any questions relating to an issue covered by the BPC’s terms of reference.
If you are thinking about making a complaint to the BPC, please follow these guidelines.
Members (Company representatives)
*Denotes member of the Market Research Society
Officers serving on the Sub-Committee on Disclosure
- Martin Boon [Delta Poll]
- John Burn-Murdoch [Financial Times]
- Andrew Cooper [Yonder Consulting]
- David Cowling
- Bobby Duffy [King’s College London]
- Isla Glaister [Sky News]
- Peter Kellner
- Adam Phillips [past Chairman of the Market Research Society and of ESOMAR’s Professional Standards Committee]
- Colin Rallings [University of Plymouth]
- John Rentoul [The Independent]
- Patrick Sturgis [LSE]
- Anthony Wells [YouGov]